About Us

How did we get here?

As a 2nd-grade student in 2016, Lauren Bliss’ close friend was hospitalized over the holidays. When her friend was healthy and came back to school, Lauren asked her what the best part of her hospital stay was. Her friend proceeded to tell Lauren that she loved an art kit she received. Her friend explained that it gave her something positive to do while in the hospital. That’s when Lauren started thinking; if art can make one sick kid happy, surely it can spread joy to so many others!

This started the Color Me Happy Coloring Book Drive. The following year, Lauren and her elementary school started collecting coloring books and crayons for the Ronald McDonald House in Columbus Ohio. She carried her drive with her into middle school and was able to partner with their National Jr Honor Society and Athletic Program. As an annual school fundraiser, they have collected over 5000 art supplies and $4000 for Sam’s Fans and the Ronald McDonald House.

In 2022 Lauren worked closely with a group of students to promote the drive in her school. It was then that she realized she loves helping those who need it, but also teaching others how they can make an impact. Lauren hopes to continue her work as well as find more opportunities to work with students and other members of her community.